Almost daily diary!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sibling Rivalry

The children decided to conduct World War 3 in the living room tonight, as I was on the phone. Funny how they always choose those sort of moments, when you are incapable of intervening. Sometimes they can sort it all out for themselves but this was a major outbreak! Small Sprog was crying and his sister was shouting.
"Stop shouting!" I shouted. Do as I say, not as I do obviously! Then, after they have calmed down, I say "Treat each other gently"

They have witnessed a couple of 'disagreements' over the last few days, I can't help but worry it will affect their behaviour.

Treat each other gently is on my mind.

PS. As I write, they are hitting each other over the head with a balloon and laughing! No need to worry perhaps?


scargosun said...

Hey Lady! I am catching up after my lazy hiatus. You've had a rough go of it my friend and I am glad you have your kids there for you. ;)

Kitty said...

Gawd, there is nothing guaranteed to make me lose my temper quicker than the constant bickering of my children! I know they have to argue a bit - it's only natural, but some days it feels like it's going on forever!

Hang on in there.


molly said...

It would be unrealistic for children to think that relationships always run smoothly in the grownup world. As long as no-one in the "disagreements" they witnessed was getting hit over the head [!!] I'm sure you can trust that they are equipped to deal with it.....

Saz said...

try not to fret..(says I, worlds biggest worrier and ANALyst)...just try and not let guilt get to you..its a curse and you don't deserve it..

saz x

Anonymous said...

My eldest one, Daughter, aged possibly 7, once happily exhibited Middle Son, aged possibly 5, who at that time was smaller than her, with a red wheal right around his neck............

We had been absent from home and Mother In Law been looking after them.

Not used to boisterous children obviously......... ;0(

"What the hell is that red ring around Middle Son's neck?" say I on our return.

"Oh we were practising............."

Eldest Daughter replies.

Middle son grins at me. Quite happy to be practised upon.

We have to trust I guess that they love each other ;0)))))))

They are both very close now, so don't fret, as my dearest Pa used to say, "it's only a phase!!"

Hope you are feeling ok, been thinking of you.

Letty xxxxx

david mcmahon said...

Just a normal household. Just normal kids!!

Hope the birthday party wen really well.

Dori said...

My three-year-old will come out with something inappropriate--some expression, some comment, some way of handling a situation--and my first thought is, gosh, wonder where he learned THAT one?! Of course, then and there I resolve to be a better person, parent. Only to blow it again almost immediately. I figure that if I take each day and manage to get them through it alive and healthy then one day I'll wake up and realize that we all actually DID manage to survive childhood!

And, you know, one day you'll wake up and find that you and your children have made it to the end of this ordeal relatively unscathed (this is my hope, at least). Not sure you'll look back and laugh, but you'll at least be able to look back.

Rose said...

Don't worry; sibling wars are very normal and usually don't last long. I do think children pick up on the atmosphere around them, though. Might be worth a reminder to you-know-who to keep them in mind.

Tim Atkinson said...

Definitely no need to worry! (Won't stop you though, will it?) It's a cliche, but kids are incredibly resilient and there's a kind of instinctive awareness of the way things are which doesn't impact on their day to day minds too much. Hence the little girl I know at her Grandma's funeral last week who said in a loud voice at the end of the church service - "oh good, can we go to the party now?"

Mean Mom said...

My 3 lads used to argue and even fight, occasionally. It really worried me for a while, as I was an only child and had never experienced anything like it. I soon learnt from chatting to other people, how awful brothers and sisters can be to each other. Mine weren't as bad as some and yours sound very normal!

I didn't buy Pringles when my lads were younger, because they used to hit each other on the head with the containers! (They've got those metal type discs at each end, if you remember!)

Maggie May said...

I expect you might be a bit more sensitive to the way the children behave now, wondering if the things that are happening has affected them. However, kids do had these squabbles in the best of homes and I think that it seems to be normal enough.
No need to worry!

Jennysmith said...

Oh Sub, i hate it when my two argue. And tho' i know i'm making it worse, i shout at them to stop so it becomes almost a riot. doubling my headache.

i yearn for the days when they were little and Son used to worship his big sister and do whatever she said. And they would talk together and that.

These battles are probably quite healthy. you musnt' worry. xxxx

Anonymous said...

My sister and I got very upset when my parents were fighting. And especially when they threatened each other with divorce. The effects are with me to this day. I would say, do everything you can to sort things out amicably. Difficult I know, but kids are so impressionable.

Anonymous said...

I have largely stopped using the phone when the kiddies are around. It's always fair game for world war three and excruciating screaming.

cheshire wife said...

My brother and I used to fight like cat and dog and it was nothing to do with our parents. We would be still be fighting now if he had his way! It's normal.

Akelamalu said...

My boys have stopped fighting now. Mind you one's 38 and the other is 32! ;)

Fi from Four Paws and Whiskers said...

Just to let you know I have given you some awards galla:) Help yourself xx

Working Mum said...

Don't worry! I'm sure a pecking order will be established and then peace will reign.