Almost daily diary!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tall Girl makes a non-political point.

Small Sprog is soon to be at Tall Girls school, in less than 3 weeks time, if you discount the summer holidays. I have tried to tell her to keep her views to herself when they have been less than positive but some have slipped out.

The other day I overheard her relaying the girl pecking order, or some such.

"Well, there's The Popular Ones" I hear her explain "Then there are The Chavs, (I ask you?!) then there are The Orange Ones"
I felt I had to intervene at this point.
"The Orange Ones?" I exclaimed. We live in Bristol and have no marching around here!
"Yes, you know, the ones who wear foundation 3 shades darker than their skin colour (I think Small Sprog may have lost the thread by now) and forget to smooth it down their necks so that you can see a tide mark just under their chin"!

I nodded. Yes I knew the ones. Her observations made me laugh. As for Small Sprog, I don't suppose he understood a word of it, but then, that's just as well.


  1. The orange ones... *snigger* She'll go far.

  2. I'll have to remember that for the next time I feel like talking bad--the orange ones. Too funny!

  3. I must go and apply more orange! LOL!
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  4. Sadly, Bears don't get this. Have you ever seen a Bear sporting a different colouration? You get my point.
    Although, come to think of it, I remember cousin Frankberg looking a bit different one time. He went through a meadow with some orange plants, and some of the colour rubbed off on him. Say, would that be the orange to which TG was referring?

  5. Interesting categories. To which I guess she could have added the Misfits, the Hopelessly Unfashionable and the Socially Inept (says he cruelly). I always think of the Orange Ones as the Hara Krishners in their orange robes, but that's a useful new meaning.

    Apparently the term Chav is now often used to distinguish lazy, workshy scroungers from the decent, hard-grafting working class.

  6. sounds like a similar demographic make-up (boom boom) to my daughters school in Kent... although we have proper Chav's being it is in Chavham... sorry Chatham

  7. out of the mouth of
    well pre teens!

  8. Oh boy has she got them sussed! LOL

    I hope she's in a league of her own?

  9. This cracked me up so right! Tho suspect my boys would have a hard time following it all!

  10. A lovely, witty, poignant , appealing, articulate,
    telling, knowing, grounding blogging tidal wave!

    Delightful and illuminating .

  11. Angel and her gang went through this too...every girl in their year was categorised, with D4s, emos and knackers being the main ones. Luckily they grew out of this phase :)

  12. Yes, I've noticed those 'orange faces' with a lot of girls nowadays. Most days I don't wear any make-up, including some work ones. It's not that I'm lazy, but my head tells me I don't need too. I think it's quite sad that girls want to cover themselves with 'mask-like' foundation at such a young age. x

  13. Ha, ha, I've known some of those orange girls, too:) I just hope SS doesn't go up to one of them and say, "Oh, you must be one of the Oranges!"

  14. It's fabulous what our kids notice isn't it?!!

    CJ xx

  15. Your little boy growing up. A strange time as you lose touch with who his friends are. But he is such a wise lad he will be fine.
