Almost daily diary!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Small Sprogs view

I was bringing the 'not so small' Small Sprog home tonight when we stopped at a junction to let some young women cross the road. His running commentary is as follows...
Fake tan, check
Big lips, check
Lots of pink, check
Bad accent, check!
We laughed - appropriately or not!

He overheard this recently, said in a true Bristol accent:
"E bited me!" -child to mother
"E bited you?" -mother to child!

That is what he meant by bad accent...have I raised a snob or a boy with sharp social commentary skills?!


  1. I think you've raised a boy who can speak English properly. LOL

  2. Probably neither. Just a typical trend-conscious child who checks out everyone's personal appearance for the obvious faux pas like fake tan and too much pink. Just occasionally someone might tick all the right boxes.

  3. A future sitcom writer in the making.

  4. I don't know, but he is clearly observant, and that has to be a good thing :)

  5. Observant, indeed. Paying attention to detail is good. Social commentary is a skill.

    I've always liked the Sprog. He just keeps coming up with more reasons to be likeable!

  6. Said it before - the lad is destined to go far.

    sounds like my conversations with my kids at times... :-) My son is now a cynical 22 year old, he was moaning about freshers on campus last night - and so was I where I worked clogging up the coffee shop etc.! He laughed and said "Oh my God - I'm turning into you!" :-)

  7. Oh but I can hear it! My great-aunt married a Bristolian and the accent was very distinct.

    astute definitely.

  8. Always love the Bristol accent. Very observant young thing xx

  9. He's definitely not "Small" Sprog any longer:) He must keep you smiling all the time, Suburbia.

  10. re the young women crossing the road...are you sure you weren't in Essex at the time?

  11. Perhaps a comic or acor, or just astute observation?
