Sitting at the dinner table - our usual place for interesting discussion, I revel in our evenings together, we laugh lots, and as usual Small Sprog was outnumbered by females but valiantly held his own. Tall Girl, who just turned 18 last weekend, is still lamenting the lack of a man in her life. "What's your definition of fit?" she asks me. I presume, correctly, that she is not referring to being able to climb the stairs without getting out of breath and decline to reply because at my age frankly you take whatever comes your way!
"All my friends want someone with big 'abs' she says disparaging!"
"I've got a friend with wonky abs" pipes up Small Sprog Tall Girl and I look at him in surprise, mouths open, and then realise we had both pre-empted his sentence and imagined something other than 'abs'. He realises, tuts, sighs and rolls his eyes.
"Anyway" continues Tall Girl "If he's 'fit' or not, he's got to be ginger!"
"Ginger?" I express my disbelief
"But all I really want" she continues "is a boy who uses the shower often and engages with soap daily"
Small Sprog, who obviously judges others by his own actions, mutters "That's never gonna happen!" before turning to more interesting things on youtube, whilst I am left agreeing that all that is required is regular washing and, at my age, any colour hair is preferable to none and beards are definitely non negotiable!
Just another evening with teens in suburbia.
Been away a while - good to be back...