Almost daily diary!

Friday, January 20, 2012


Friday night

Me: Can you take up his hot chocolate...What are they doing up there?
Tall Girl: Boy things
Me: Oh
Tall Girl: They are being boys and making funny smells.

Ewww?...Sort of sums it up then!


Steve said...

Ah... it brings it all back to me. SBD's. Silent But Deadly's.

Maggie May said...

Nothing unusual then!
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Rob-bear said...

I think that's about enough of that.

How dismal for a girl to have a younger brother, eh?

nick said...

The boy thing round here is always to wear your school uniform with your (scruffy) shirt hanging out of your pants. Anyone with their shirt tucked in is a cissy....

Furtheron said...


BS5 Blogger said...


Anonymous said...

Yep... remember it well - just about.

Anonymous said...

nice blog and interesting as well

IT Support Services

Working Mum said...

Sounds about right to me. Unfortunately, they also do it in my classroom. My windows are often open.

Carol said...

LOL...that sounds about right!

C x