Almost daily diary!

Monday, April 02, 2012


I have missed my own bloggyversary! 4 years of blogging on 3rd March, goodness me, all those wasted hours wittering about life here in the suburbs.

Here's some more:

Today the stinky cat has polished off Small Sprogs ice cream while he wasn't looking.

Mum has sent me, via email this morning, a detailed account of how she cleared dog diarrhoea off next doors lawn while they weren't looking.

My neighbour texted me to see if I had cough mixture - great now I am mummy to another!

Tall Girl thinks she's seen a pink flamingo in the hedge on the way to school.

and as if that's not enough, here is a meme. I've not been sent one of these for a very long time so I was delighted when Looking For Blue Sky sent me this one ...

As usual I have to answer a few questions, and as usual I'm not great at one word answers...

Favourite Colour? Red mostly but anything bright!

Favourite Animal? Has to be Stinky Cat at the moment

Favourite Number? 7 (no idea why) closely followed by 3 and 5.

Favourite Drink? Red wine or a Margarita given half the chance!

Facebook or Twitter? Facebook as I can't quite get to grips with Twitter.

My Passion?  I'm a bit of a butterfly so hard to answer this one. My children, fairness and equality, food and eating ...

Giving or Getting Presents? Giving, but I'd never say no to a surprise pressie!

Favourite Day?  Like Looking For Blue Sky, it's got to be the first day of the holidays, endless days with no time keeping. Bliss.

Favourite Flower? Arum Lilly for the architectural beauty, Oriental Lilly for the scent, Daffodil because it's the only flower, in my opinion, that looks great in yellow except for Sun Flowers, Hyacinths for their heavy fragrance.... I could go on forever.

Favourite Place? By the sea

I'd like to pass this Meme on to; 




Hope you don't mind taking part?


Akelamalu said...

Happy Blogversary!

Nice to find out more about you in the meme. :)

Maggie May said...

Happy Bloggaversary! I must have been blogging just a bit longer than you. I am letting it pass.............unnoticed!

Hope poor stinky cat doesn't get sick after all that ice cream.
Good to learn more about you through the meme.
Enjoy your holiday. I can remember that delicious feeling of freedom at the beginning of a holiday. I miss that!
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Rob-bear said...

Happy (belated) Blogversary. One needs to keep track of the important things in life.

And isn't life interesting. From cats, to dog poop, to needy neighbours.

From my perspective, better that Tall Girl see pink Flamingos in hedges than pink Elephants in what she's drinking.

Blessings and Bear hugs.

Steve said...

There's plainly some weird animal shit going on at the moment...!

Elizabeth said...

Happy blogversary and many more to follow!

clarbojahn said...

Congrats on your award. will you post it in your sidebar?
also congrats on your blogsaversary.

Take care,

Carol said...

Happy Belated Bloggyversary! I for one am very glad that you have been wittering about life in the suburbs for four years...long may it continue :-)

Loved the meme and loved your answers to it!

C x