Anyway, the award comes with a tag for a meme - a '7's meme.
Here we go:
7 Things I plan to do before I die:
See my children grow to a healthy, happy, fulfilled adulthood
Find some contentment
(The two above were Kitty's but I couldn't have put it better myself!)
Write a book (there, I have to do it now because I've written it down!)
Have no regrets
Get out more!
Live glamorously
Find myself
7 Things I do now:
Love my children lots
Attempt to keep everyone happy
Try and fit more things into one day than is physically possible
Write lots of lists
Listen to music VERY LOUD when every ones else is out of the house except when I......
Dance in the kitchen with the children
Blog and check my e-mails far too often!
7 Things I can't do:
Say no!
Get my children to be tidy
Leave a bottle with just a little drop in the bottom!
Forget my past
Stop Blogging!
7 Things that attract me in the opposite sex: (in no particular order)
Sexy voice
Humour and wit
Good taste!
7 Things I say most often (to the children!):
"Have you washed your hands?"
"Go and do it again"
"Are you sure?"!"I can't hear you both together..... one at a time "
"I love you"
"What did I just say?!"
7 Celebrities that I admire:
What, precisely, qualifies someone to be a 'celebrity' I wonder? I have no idea who are considered 'celebrities' or what they do or did to make them celebrities. There are famous people I admire for their talent or work, here are some:
Doris Lessing
Paul Weller
Shami Chakrabarti
David Attenborough
William Morris
Phillip Pullman
7 Favourite foods:
Anything spicy
Rare Steak
Any fish (as long as it's dead before I eat it!)
Homemade cakes
Soft fruit freshly picked
Chips from the paper with lots of salt and vinegar
Did I say chocolate?!
7 Bloggers who need to do this:
Nobody needs to do this, but I'd like to pass the award to, and would be interested in the answers from:
Mean Moody Middle-aged Mum
Cool! Thanks for playing along Burby. (Damn, I forgot to mention the passion thing ;-) ) x
hiya, and thanks for both the award thingy and the meme..l'm ll dried up and was struggling the gather my thoughts together here..
l shall do this tomorrow..
I like the idea of sitting on a giant cupcake! Funny, but I can't leave a drop in a bottle either:) Thanks for the award; I think I have another one from awhile back I haven't posted yet. I haven't forgotten it, but the computer I'm on struggles with such things. I will add both of them as soon as I get my own computer back.
The meme sounds like fun; if you don't mind, I'll save it for a little later.
Loved your answers!
I think I'd add cooked as well as dead to the fish.
Will do the meme. Oh, do I get an award too? Oh goody, thank you.
A 'dropl' of wine is never enough. (word verifier)
Oooh, thanks, suburbia, I nearly missed this post, somehow! You have some lovely answers. I shall have to think about this one for a while, as my mind is blank! No, it's not a particularly unusual occurrence!
Thanks very much, that's so SWEET!!!
Scarlett & Viaggiatore
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