It was tree decorating day today, a family event (well almost!). Small Sprog was up with the lark because of the excitement. However before the event he wanted to go to his school Christmas Fair. Tall Girl and I went along to. Small Sprog spent most of his pocket money on things he could eat and Tall Girl munched on mince pies. Someone wafted past me with a tray of mulled wine, which was quite irresistible! While Tall Girl and I sat down and watched the world go by, Small Sprog went in search of friends and fun. He was like a whippet, no sooner had we arrived than I had lost sight of him. Anyway, he came home happy, if not just a little overdosed on sugar!
So, it was tree time! We unpacked the decorations and I prepared myself! "OK" I said before we started "What's the golden rule of tree decorating?" Small Sprog was taking no notice at all and was rummaging in another bag. I looked at him pointedly! "Only one decoration on each branch" Said Tall Girl dutifully! "And not clumped altogether!" I added! "Small Sprog, that means you!"
No reply of course! How could he listen and rummage full of excitement in the boxes and bags for his favourite decorations? Tall Girl raised her eyes to the ceiling and tutted. I didn't remind her that not long ago, she was the one overloading the branches!
The door bell rang, it was one of the nit children. Oh well, I think, I guess a bit more help can't make it any worse, but Tall Girl comes back alone. "Where is she then?" I ask
"Well I was just talking to her and her tooth fell out!" Says Tall Girl "So she's gone home"
That would be an odd thing to happen if you were an adult, I think to myself, but as a child, it's just a normal event. Anyway, back to the tree.........
Sibling rivalry took over in no time. "No, not there"
"That's mine"
"Put it there!
A lovely Christmas Tradition, as you can see!
"Daddy, are you coming to decorate the tree?" Asks Small Sprog
"Why break the habit of a lifetime" Muttered Tall Girl
We all laugh, but underneath it all, we know it's true. I'm not sure why it's always just the three of us, but that is the way it is.
PS. Apparently, there is a tradition, on the other side of Bristol, where you just lob the decoration box at the tree, job done. A thought for next time maybe!