I have been here for 200 posts! 200!
I ask you, do I have nothing better to do with my time?!

So if you have just popped over,
please help yourself to a glass or two and celebrate with me.
It has taken me 9 months to get this far and I have enjoyed every minute
(gosh I could have given birth in all that time!).
I have made some sweet and special friends along the way, and
read a plethora of posts which have touched me in many ways.

So thank you for calling by so often.
It is not just the writing that keeps me going it is meeting all of you.
Go on have another glass before I start to hiccough,
and while you're at it raise a glass to Tall Girl (talking of giving birth!)
Who is 12 years old tomorrow.
Congratulations on your 200 posts - I'm so glad you started blogging. I enjoy your blog.
Happy Birthday for Tall Girl for tomorrow. I hope you all - but especially that she - have a lovely day.
Congratulations to you, Suburbia, and a belated happy birthday to Tall Girl! That's pretty amazing; I still haven't hit 100.
I'll have just a wee bit of champagne to raise in a toast to you:)
200 and you don't seem a day over 21! I had a glass of fizz, so thank you for that. I hope TG is having a fun weekend in the full house at BS9
Love your blog lots!
May I be the first to congratulate you on your 200 posts!
This is an occasion.
Blogging is sort of addictive - but such fun and you meet such nice people....
Still want the bunny below.
Congratulations to you! And happy birthday for yesterday to Tall Girl. Hope you're surving the party weekend!
And that you won't be feeling 'dedness' at the end of it!
aw!! well done you...!! Its crazy how fast it mounts up isnt it!!
hope you have a lovely day tomorrow!!
saz x
Well, now...I think I will have a glass. Thanks, Suburbia! And thanks for opening up your life for our voyeuristic curiosity and pleasure!
Happy Birthday, Tall Girl!!!
Happy birthday to your Tall Girl! On the brink of her teens...oh boyl! Couldn't quite reach through the screen for a glass of bubbly! Buts here's to your next 200!
What a milestone! (And may I have another glass, please? It really is most awfully good, you know.)
Congratulations on reaching 200 posts in such a short time. I enjoy your witty style of writing, you have such a way with words! x
Happy Birthday to tall girl too. x
Happy 200th Suburbia, has it only been 9 months? I feel like I have known you for so much longer my friend.
Happy Birthday Tall Girl and congratulations, Suburbia on your 200th post!
Are you glad or sad you didn't start a baby on that day?!
cake all round!
Sorry to come onto this so late but happy birthday to your daughter. 12! I can remember bein 12 and all the wonderful things i used to do. My Daughter is 12 now but she seems very different to what i used to be at that age.
And congratulations to you too!
Well, congrats on the two tons and I hope the fluffy bunniness bounces back very soon!
Awww, Kitty thank you so much :)
Rose, not 100 yet? You're still a spring chicken!
BS5, kind as always, thank you.
Thanks Elizabeth, I want the bunny too!
Thanks for your kind wishes Liz and Saz.
Really cross I can't read Spanish!
Dori, thanks and ditto!
Molly, you have to push hard against the screen! Yes a teen next year, scary thought!
Dotterel, no you can't because that last drop's mine ;)
Thanks Louise
Hullaballoo, that's because I moan on a lot!!
Maggie, glad!
Grit, did you make me a cake too?!!
Hi Jenny, thanks. I remember being 13 vividly. I hope I fair better than my mother did with me!
Thanks Nick, me too :)
Wow, congratulations on the 200th post. And many more to come, we hope! And Happy Birthday, Tall Girl!
I'm glad you didn't have a baby instead of a blog, as your blog always gives me a chuckle!
Congratulations on your 200th post and belated Happy Birthday to Tall Girl. Will forgo the glass of wine at the moment as it is a bit early to start drinking and I shall be going to work shortly.
Many congratulations on having so many interesting things to say! You put me to shame! I started before you, but I've only managed 56 posts!
Belated Happy Birthday to Tall Girl.
Thanks for the booze. Did someone mention cake? Hic!
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