Almost daily diary!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Silent night....

.......well, almost anyway, because I've nearly lost my voice! It's a bit of a Brucey really (bonus), because I am over the cold and all the feeling poorly, and now, all of a sudden someones put me on mute! The children are most concerned. Gosh, am I usually SO very loud?! Small Sprog asked if he could clear the table tonight and get the washing out of the machine, it was all very surreal. "Are you sure you are alright mummy?" They chorused as I whispered instructions for bedtime. Small Sprog had a very worried look on his face as I squeaked his story out and then, halfway through Tall Girl offered to take over. She wasn't even buried in Facebook! If only I had known before. The way to get perfectly behaved children is to appear ill! All the times I have felt really poorly, but have had no obvious symptoms, I have had no sympathy at all. Now I am all squeaky, they are positively angels!

With any luck I will not get my voice back until the weekend. Having a loud voice is a tool of the trade when you work in a school, I wonder who I can get to phone in sick for me?!


Dori said...

My family rejoices whenever I lose my voice...full of sympathy around here!

Take advantage of it!! :D

Chic Mama said...

Awwww, lucky you. I NEVER get any sympathy. Sweet children.
Hope you are feeling better soon

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Sometimes losing your voice is a great opportunity to just sit back and say nothing! It's quite an unusual experience - I guess a bit like being a Trapist Monk - silence gives room for more reflection.

That's great the kids are full of sympathy, what lovely kids.

Lindsay said...

I too have a loud voice - just as well because Husband is getting deaf - typical man he is in denial!

BS5 Blogger said...

Enjoy the silence and the extra love it brings!

nick said...

That sounds like a wizard wheeze for sympathetic mollycoddling! If you start limping and wincing as well you won't have to lift a finger for weeks! Nice that they're so concerned though and worried you might be really ill.

Steve said...

Funny, this backs up an opinion of a teacher friend of mine who always maintained that the best way to control a classroom of unruly kids was to speak very quietly...

Unknown said...

my husband used to think i was the only mom who yelled, i mean spoke loudly! oh well that's life. they all grew up just fine, i think!

Rose said...

Who knew this was the secret to getting children to cooperate? Do phone in sick yourself--they always believe you're really sick when you have lost your voice:)

Working Mum said...

e-mail into school! And remember this post for in the future - you could always fake a lost voice when necessary!

French Fancy... said...

Just revel in the attention and keep on squeaking. Are you a teacher?