Thanks VP!
Here are the rules:
Link to the person who tagged you.
Post the rules on your blog.
Write six random things about yourself.
Tag six people at the end of your post linking to their blog.
Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
So, six things about me:
1. Before I gave up work to have children I was an interior designer.
2. Before that I was a window dresser.
3. When I was in my early twenties I ran off to Gretna Green and got married!
4. Obviously it didn’t last!!!
5. In less than two weeks time I‘ll be in Spain.
6. I love chocolate (I think you may already know that!)
Right, who's next?
Maggie May
Remember, there is no obligation if you don't want to play...
Just brilliant Suburbia - I'm so glad you wanted to play :)
Have a great weekend!
All done Sub, and always happy to play!
Hi Sub - that was a cheeky little comment at my post! You are having a nice weekend aren't you?
Wat colour by the way?
BS5 black usually!!
Likin' the idea of *that*....
Gretna Green, how romantic. A blog post telling all at some point in the future? Ta :-D Mrs Nosey-Knickers (aka Kitty) x
You ran off to Gretna Green?! Oh wow! That's so romantic. I've never met anyone who did that - if you don't count people in books. And Husband tells me they're not real.
Will do the meme.
Feel free to tag away! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to give you the worng idea. I was just really tired from my day of running around. :) HOpe you had a great weekend!
I will do it Suburbia....... later. I am also having a holiday soon & have written a post to go in for weekend Wandering tomorrow perhaps. I won't forget!
Scotland..... a place I love! Especially when its sunny!
Shoot! I was going to tag you and Liz on this one. Oh well.
You've certainly stirred up some interest in your romantic escapade to Gretna Green (and where is that, by the way?). You may regret ever bringing it up, unless you're willing to tell all!
Me and my other half have been together coming up for 25 years. I have often thought of booking a holiday to Gretna Green! x
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