However I can't stop being a mother, so she is now in the bath! Her bed is freshly made and her PJ's are clean. My mission will be accomplished when she lays down her tired (but clean) head and is happy to drift into a pleasantly exhausted sleep. At home at last, my best girl, grown and beautiful.
Mother-in-law rang to see how Tall Girl got on.
'Did she come home with flees like her father?' I have heard this story before and realise that she is not talking about only yesterday!
'No flees' I reply cheerily, though I didn't mention the head lice episode of late.
'I had to make him undress on the front step' she carried on.
'Yes, we didn't go that far'. I didn't admit that the thought crossed my mind!
'And all his toothpaste was spread over the inside of his sleeping bag'
'Mmmm'. The enthusiasm has run out for this story over the years!
'They disbanded the scout group you know' she carried on, 'after that lot had been. They scrumped apples and the curate was sacked!'
GOSH, that bad?!!
I am so glad Tall Girl enjoyed her camping trip! If she had come home all nice and clean, you would have had a reason to worry.
I hate to tell you this, but that "new voice" sounds a little bit like that of a teenager (she's not that old yet, is she?).
You should be able to sleep well tonight.
Yea! So glad Tall Girl had a good time and gained some wonderful self knowledge in the process. Such a nice Mom to have all the comforts of home ready for her.
Hopefully the house didn't smell like burnt toast still. ;)
Good, I'm glad she's home safe and sound and with a new voice. Now your problems really start ...
Hi Rose and Liz I did recognise the teenager in her voice. I guess I'd better get used to it!
Scargosun, it wasn't the burnt toast that smelt it was TG!!
I am glad she is safely home and had a good time, no worries from mum next time!
I am so glad that she had fun and is home safe and sound. Is it scary seeing her grow up? I cringe watching my 11 year old as he starts talking all grown! Sorry I haven't been around ~ Swamped! But I will be up blogging again soon!
Thanks for missing me!
They do grow up at the most unexpected times. But I'm sure her experience will give her confidence in other areas of her life. (but she'll always love being papmered by mom.)
Glad she is back safe & sound.I think it helps them to grow.Pity the weather was so bad but there again it is all part & parcel of the experience.
Getting fed up with this weather. Back to school!
Awwww, that's so lovely. Yay for the new voice. And Yay too for Daddies competently dropping off Tall Girls without any anxiety.
Hi Bobo yes I know he did his fatherly bit superbly!!
Camp is such an amazing experience for kids! I went to camp every summer...I loved it!!
You know the thing is, even though she is in a big kid body, and speaking like she's quite grown, I'll bet that there are parts of her that are still very little, on the inside....... kinda close to where the heart is. :)
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