Our Saturday was spent sorting out Mums attic. They have just had it insulated. It was an interesting day, with outings to the dump and various charity shops. Just what you need on a bank holiday weekend! The dump was almost as busy as the motorway with queues and bad tempers in equal measures. Small Sprog fell in love with an old typewriter and cried when we threw it in a skip! I had no idea he had become so attached to it, he only spent 10 minutes sitting next to it on the way to the 'Civic Amenity Centre'. (What
is wrong with 'dump'?!)
It all went something like this....
Me : So why don't you let me get up the ladder, that's why we're here. (Getting a bit tetchy, I mean, what is the point?)
Step dad (known as Pop) : No, I want to organise it up there.
Me: You've been ill. (And you've moaned about it for a week and a half!)
Pop: I can manage.
Lots of 'rummaging' (you'd have thought they'd have sorted out what needs to go back up and what needs to go to the dump before we arrived?!)
Mum: Do you want these?
I hope my face is not saying :OMG, what is that?!
Me: No
Me: Do you want this box to go up?
Mum: No, that can go in the recycling.
There are lots of files and really old papers in this box, and a few things with 'Inland Revenue' printed in bold at the top.
Me: Are you sure? Don't you want to have a look?
Mum: No, it's fine.
Me: What are these? (A scrap from the side catches my eye.)
Mum: Oh, those are petrol coupons!
Petrol coupons, I ask you?
Me: It has 1957 stamped on the front, they might be collectors items, shouldn't we keep them?
Mum: I don't think we'll need them.
Me: (exasperated)
More rummaging and sorting.
Mum : Do you want this?
She is holding up an old bean bag which was their ex-dogs bed. Has she noticed we have no dog?!
Me: (politely) No.
Me: You don't want these two kettles to go back up do you? The one you use is fine.
Pop: Yes we'll keep those, they can go in the attic.
Me: What for?
Pop: We might need them one day.
Me: Two of them?
Pop: One might not work!
I felt unable to comment on the logic of that one.
Mum: Do you want some...
Me: No!
Small Sprog: Granny, granny can I have this?
Me (Oh no!) What do you want that for?
Small Sprog : It's nice!
So we now have a lovely picture of an Alpine church (even mum had been wise enough to keep it in the attic) surrounded by alpine mountains and flower meadows, circa 1950's style. Lovely!
A bit later...
Pop: I'll put that old clock back up.
Me: Will it be OK up there?
Pop: Yes, sometimes I go up to wind it.
Me: You make it work? In the attic? (He really has lost the plot.)
Pop: Yes it drives your mum mad!
Me: It chimes up there?
Pop: Yes. (He walks away giggling to himself)
All the junk and almost junk is safely returned to it's home in the attic. The copious amounts of cardboard, which constituted a fire hazard, have been reduced to only two large boxes (full of small empty ones 'just in case we need a box'?!!) and it's about time we put the kettle on (but which one?!!)
Me: Where's he gone? (Pop is no where to be found)
Mum: I don't know he must still be up there.
Me: In the attic?
Mum: Yes
So up I go to see where he's got to. As my head pops up through the attic hatch, I can see his feet, then the rest of him, lying prostrate on the attic floor.
Me: What are you doing?
Pop: I was just having a lay down.
Me: I thought you were dead!
And so on!
Mum has a collection of lovely old children's books.
This picture is from Peter Pan with illustration's by Mabel Lucy Attwell.
(click to enlarge)
There has been no word from Tall Girl which is good I guess. Thanks to everyone who has commented, your kind thoughts are so appreciated.