1. Small Sprog has been offered a place at a new school
2. Small Sprog has been offered a place at cubs with his friend who he will miss when he leaves his old school
3. A good friend has given me a contact for a child friendly homeopath
That's Small Sprog sorted then!! And all in one day. Well not really, it's all been in the pipeline for sometime but it's quite strange how it has been resolved all at once.

Picture of frogs in our pond, Small Sprogs favourites!
Some days everything just goes right! Glad things are working out for Small Sprog. I can just see him playing with the frogs:)
I am so glad! Isn't it amazing how things can fall into place!
Thats brilliant. I left a comment on your last post about eczema.
Awwww lovely, glad you had a good say Suburbia xx
Very pleased and delighted for you!
And froggies! Cool!
:) x
all good things come in threes. it's the only odd number i can stand.
excellent news!
Fabulous! Hope the exzema is better.
Great news! Glad you've got things sorted out. I hope it all works out for him :-)
I used to go to cubs - it was an interesting experience, with lots of badges and, unfortunately, nose-bleeds!!
take care!
We enjoyed the frog picture over here!
So glad SS had a better day--or rather, you had a better day!
Good news! It's strange how sometimes things all come together at once isn't it?
hello!! I'm having fun on your blog, having been introduced through 'prairie rose', who is equally amusing.....its greta to have the archve to read thrugh..l shall be adding you to my blog, hope that's okay...ou write really well, and are so funny...really uplifting to read a likeminded blog...
will be back very soon!!
take care..
have a stressfree week, (who am l kidding!)
sara x
Mail Bobo, honeybear. He is at psychobobo@gmail.com. My blog is now for red carpet readers only.
What was i going to say?
Ah, yes, frogs. You have frogs? I think we have mutant tadpoles. they're huge but not growing any legs.
Oh look, my word verifier is fokk mi pu. well, it amused me ...
Liz, we have mutants too, most of ours never mature but get eaten instead. These in the picture must have been lucky enough to have been born somewhere else and migrated!!
Fokk mi pu...fantastic, in fact the best ever. It amuses me too!
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