Small Sprog shrieks from upstairs "Mum there's no toilet paper!"
I run up to the bathroom brandishing a new roll.
Tall Girl is already outside, with shoes on, ready to go.
I "unpick" the new roll because if I let him do it, most of the first few meters will be in shreds.
"Ooh!" He squeals "It's got dogs on!"
We usually buy the unbranded stuff but Husband came home with this lot after an urgent phone call last Friday! (We were down to the last roll and I was housebound with a sick child! )
"Yes it has puppies on! Now come on or you'll be late for school"
Tall girl charges up the stairs.
"Why are you here?" I say feeling that the morning is getting a little out of hand.
"I though you were ready"
(Please don't say she needs to 'go' now!)
"I've come to look at the puppies!"
She was outside, how did she know? She has ears like a bat!
And there they both are, standing by the toilet, admiring the embossed puppy shape on the new toilet tissue!! Lovely! Who'd have thought toilet tissue could be such fun?!!!

Were we late for school? Yes. "Sorry miss, we were just looking at the puppies!"
Top stuff! Ha ha, you are a witty fish!
How lovely! I buy recycled toiilet paper (while telling myself that it isn't recycled toilet paper; it's just recycled paper for toilets) and it's very boring and not at all worth being late for school for.
Ha! Loo roll can be quite fascinating.
I remember when my mother had some flowery stuff and we all crowded into the downstairs loo to ooh and ahh. (looking at it I mean:-)
And 'looking at the puppies' is a better excuse than 'the car wouldn't start'. I've used that too many times:-)
BS5.....or a fitty wish, which may be more suitable!
Liz, are you sure it's not recycled toilet paper? No really!
Lane lol!
One should always make the time to stop and smell the poopy puppies... no that's not quite right... opps... ah.. never mind... you know what I mean.
Alaina, how about 'wake up and smell the poopy puppies'?! No, that's not right either!
How about, A Poopy Puppy by any name would smell as sweet.
Nope... still not right.
I feel weird about wiping with animals ;)
What a lovely blog! I just happened upon it via Working Mum. I will be a regular visitor from now on.
I love these bloggy things, too, although I'm pretty much a beginner.
The poopy puppy loo roll is lovely, but I personally cant justify spending so much money on something that is essentially for wiping bums! I'm afraid I am a cheap recycled toilet paper person through and through.
Seems a shame to use it!
That might just be a first--a closeup of toilet paper! I do like the puppies! All we have are boring ripples. My granddad used to have cross word paper. That was fun. No going back and checking your answers. :D
Darn, we don't have this brand here in the U.S. Coconut, the Pomeranian, needs a little help now and then; if we had this brand, he might learn to use it:)
Ah but the puppies are soooo cute!
Akelamalu, cute timewasters!
Rose, eeeww!!hope you are feeling better.
Dori, lol!
Mean Mom, don't you start!!
Suzysoo, welcome and please call again!
Hammer, I know what you mean!
Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope that you will be back again soon.
Just think how boring life would be if toilet paper didn't have puppies on it. If nothing else you have got a post out of it.
I want some poppy puppy paper! I think it is way to cute to use! Maybe you could just use it as a bathroom decoration! Isn't it amazing what can entertain young ones when they are running late for school.
Alaina, how about:
But soft! methinks I scent the Poopy Puppies!
Oooh, could you wipe your bum on a puppy? :-O x
I always buy Andrex. How long has it had dogs on it? I'd better go and have a look...
Sub... how about....
"Alas, I am a woman friendless, hopeless! ... without puppies!"
still not right! grrrr
I love the posh paper but do find it doesn't flush down the loo so well. I get most irritated when the roll is stuck down so much you end up shredding half the roll, before it's even started. That Andrex puppy is a cute darned thing! x
Ha ha! I always buy white toilet paper (too difficult to colour coordinates three toilets that use up paper at different rates) so the other day when we were at a friend's house my daughter was in fits laughing in the bathroom because the toilet paper was blue!
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