However there was the problem of picking it up without letting the rest of the liquid escape! It's amazing how just a spoonful can look like a whole tumbler full when spilt.
Everyone came to see and offered suggestions, some helpful and some not! None of which seemed viable. It was getting late and the routine last minute rush of teeth cleaning, face washing and brushing of hair should have already been underway. I was tempted to leave the damn thing there where it stood and let it take its chances!!! It would have been better if it had just dropped and spilt everywhere, at least I could have had it all mopped up by now, but instead we were all stood there marvelling at it!
Husband appeared, just then, with a plastic wallet. We slid it underneath. It sort of worked, almost.
Just as I was clearing up the smallish spillage, Tall Girl came in again for another look!
"You could blog about that" She said in her wisdom
Sometimes she knows me better than I do!
That's a strange one - almost impossible, I would have said, but how lucky! I've been taking a glass of water to bed every night, because of my cough. I didn't need it last night, as it happened, so, this morning, just because the glass was full, of course, I knocked the whole lot all over the bedroom carpet!! Oooh!!
That's just how I would have rescued it! ;)
What are the chances of that happening? Lucky it wasn't on a carpet eh?
Today Husband knocked over one of those 4 litre plastic milk bottles - splat - the whole thing ripped apart and milk exploded over all kitchen surfaces including windows. Rescue Dog helped to clear up!
It's embarrassing isn't it? I find all kinds of things happening which make me think 'ooh, I must mention that on the old Bloggy Bits'.
Cool flask trick though - now let's see you do it again :-D x
Hey, Sub! Is that a pic' of you? How nice to have two lovely posts to read here...just off to have a gander at the second post now!
BS5 x
BS5 of course it's me!! (not)
What is going on at your place?
Thanks for the smile that reading this post gave me! And thank you for your visit to mine!
From the mouths of babes, as we say. Lucky it wasn't a big mess, really! :D
What a strange thing! I suppose I would've done the same thing to rescue it all - I can just imagine you all standing round it, wondering what to do about it!
Hi Sub - who knows? It's gone a bit Radio Rentals, hasn't it?
Husbands can come in handy at times, can't they? I'm still wondering why you were taking squash for lunch...
Congratulations on your award yesterday, and thanks for thinking of me:)
Years ago as I was talking on the phone with a good friend of mine, her little toddler son was fishing around in the kitchen cupboards. She turned her back for a moment and when she turned to look at him again, he'd gotten a hold of a bottle of vegetable oil and DUMPED THE WHOLE THING on the kitchen floor! You can't even begin to imagine THAT mess. Her floor was like a skating rink for the next couple of days, no matter how much she mopped it up and tried to clean it. At least the squah wasn't an oily, greasy mess!
Brilliant! Do it again!!!!!!!!
What are the chances of that happening!
Hi, I repaid the visit. I think I'd have left it there in the name of "art." You were lucky it wasn't one of those old fashioned flasks with glass innards, they used to make a right mess.
My husband picked a case of wine up from the kitchen table the other day and the bottom fell out of the box. Six bottles of red wine all over my just cleaned kitchen floor! Forget Murphy, that was definitly sod's law. Debs x
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