It could be summer in the photo
but the wind chill was about -6!
During the journey home, we were driving along quietly, all thinking our own thoughts, when husband says out of the blue ''I suppose you'll start that blog again as soon as you get home?''
''Why did you suddenly think of that?'' I asked suspiciously. Could he read my mind?!
''Well I was thinking about Italy and the lottery and then I thought about your blog.''
After years of marriage I still can't quite get to grips with those sort of though patterns.
I don't think women will ever understand how their thought process works! Thanks for visiting and I hope you will come back!
It certainly has been very cold this week, I agree thought patterns can be strange at times!
Glad you are back! Had a good trip! Need to blog! Your husband's remark is mild to some that I have to listen to!
I happen to know that Maggie May is not looking forward to her holiday as it means a week without blogging!
I shouldn't waste time trying to understand if I were you.
It'll get you nowhere.
That sounds a strangely unmanlike thought process. Theirs tend to be more logical than that.
Welcome back! we've missed you! Hope you had a good time.
Hi Suburbia. Thought I'd elbow my way in here and try and defend husbands from all this lighthearted Misandry.
I can't help thinking you left out the dot dot dots that would have made it all so much clearer, as in:
"I was thinking about Italy and the lottery ... {taps into the universal collective unconscious} ... and then I thought about your blog."
You see, with the dot dot dots it becomes a lot clearer, and mildly more rational ... doesn't it?
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