Today the sun was shining and on the air was a warm sweetness which whispered through the soft new leaves. Little Rosie picked bluebells and wild garlic flowers, which wilted in her small hand. Her brother Joseph picked Buttercups and checked to see if I liked butter, thrusting them under my chin, and I do! Small Sprog played Pooh Stix off the bridge with Lucy. Soon we all played Pooh Stix off the bridge, and it really didn't matter who won. There were muddy paths with hills to climb and tunnels to explore. There were banks to scale and slide down again in any way you could! There was a stream to cross and stones to balance on. There were splashes and bashes and sticks galore which became wands and swords and 'special sticks' with magical powers! There were enemies to hunt and battles to be won. There were tales to tell and secrets to be told whilst Tall Girl and Emma walked on, heads together, in their own world. Later there were tired toes and wellies full of water with socks to wring out. And at last a large lunch.
Today some friends came over and we took all the children to the woods. I have a self imposed headache tonight, due to drinking in the afternoon. It always seems a good idea at the time!
I am so jealous! Sounds like all of you had a great day! The picture of the tree is beautiful!
What a fun filled and happy post!
Pooh sticks is a fantastic way to idle an afternoon away!
I thought for a mo' you had revealed the names behind TG and SS but they remain interestingly behind their pseudonym's which is perfect!
I hope your headache has gone.
I am off for a run in a little bit - still not as energetic as your post, though!
the trick to drinking in the afternoon is to not stop until midnight :)
Hammer - that makes perfect sense! If one has passed the pint of no return, that's it; you're on the beer scooter blasting along and you have to stay on all evening.
Suburbia - my God I have made a schoolboy error in the apostrophe on my previous comment. Sorry! That's just poor form.
Ain't sunshine brilliant?!
This is my idea of a perfect day out, especially so when the sun is shining. Woods are one of my favourite places to be. I can't drink at all, half a small glass of wine sends my head spinning! x
Thanks Susan and BS
Hammer, I'll keep that in mind for next time!
GWTM and My Patch, thanks for calling! Please call again
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