My worry about the green house is this; it is self build. Enough said I think. I will keep you posted!
This bit is for Liz (better late than never)....
.....The husband of the lady who runs the Bunny Hotel was in court for jumping a red light in his articulated lorry. Apparently the front end went through on green but by the time the back end went through, the lights had changed to red. Honest Hossifer! From the noises in the bathroom that morning though he was either VERY WORRIED about his case, which was due to be heard later that day, or there was a full moon!

Tall Girl did some cooking today. This is her Strawberry shortcake. Very yummy.
That doesn't sound very fair on the poor man! But it does go to show that bigger isn't always better ...
Tall Girl is a genius. That looks fabulous. Perhaps she could put green house together?
Great idea Liz, I hadn't thought of that!!
The shortcake looks yummy :-)
Thanks for visiting, are you going to share the Warhole?
Tall Girl's shortcake looks very appealing. I am sure the greenhouse will be a great success. I look forward to seeing it.
The bunny tail was funny!
Tall girl did very well! Now I feel like a slice!
Cherrypie, yes probably1
Starnitesky....don't hold your breath though!!
Maggie, I wish I could post you some!
Oh, the shortcake looks lovely. Now I'm hungry.... and I just ate too!
As for the green house, how big a green house - suburban size, or the grand model?
Thanks for visiting. :)
Oh wow, that strawberry shortcake looks sooo good. Delicious!
Looking forward to hearing more about the green house :) "we" have problems just with ikea ;)
Thanks for visiting us!
This sounds very much like an 'I'm getting a shed' conversation I once had. I won't continue as I don't want to upset you.
Jules.. suburban size hopefully but each time he 'measures up' it gets bigger!
D, the Ikea problems are to fraught to share! hence the worry about the green house.
Thanks Mother of this Lot, I know I can come and cry on your shoulder then?!
At my house, if I buy something that says "some assembly required" I shudder. Mr. Procrastinator husband thinks he is also Mr. Handyman, but whenever he puts something together there are usually "extra" pieces leftover. That may explain why my vacuum never has worked right.
Thanks for filling us in on the rest of the bunny hotel story. I was picturing a Bertha Rochester type (remember Jane Eyre?) locked up in the bathroom!
The dessert looks yummy! I hope the greenhouse turns out well. My husband's parents had one and I've always wanted one. A DIY project at my house though would not be a pretty picture! ;-)
Sorry, but you've been tagged! Come over to my place to find out why & how!
The shortcake looks delish. Just think you could grow your own strawberries in the greenhouse! :)
A green house sounds incredible.
And that wonderful creation look delicious!
Cool Blog.
Check Out Mine!
Hi Rose
It's usually the important bits that are left over!! And yes, Jane Eyre, one of my would have made a far better blog post!
Hi Akelmamlu
He grows them in the veg patch at the moment but I guess if it's not too hot in the greenhouse then it will stop the birds getting them all!
Love strawberry shortbread! I hope you haven't heard any panes of crashing glass! x
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