Anyway the dog, it transpires, loves water and lay down in the stream. Mum was surprised and amused and walked a very wet dog all the way home.
"I suppose it was better than walking home with poo all down your legs!" She said
I did a double take! Did she mean her or the dog?
"She had a bad tummy in the park the other day!" She explained
(Phew, she meant the dog!)
"You can just imagine how difficult that one was to scoop up off the grass!"
She continued "More of a smear really."
Eeeww, too much information mum!
Us dog-owners are like that. We take poo in our stride. in fact I was talking to a man yesterday who was telling me about his dog's diarrhoea ...
That's why my dogs don't get milk..ewww
I've chased rolling dog poo down a frozen hill just to not be that person who leaves the poo in the park.
And I do love your mum!
Wow. I didn't think you'd go there... but you did!
What's next? hee hee
I don't really know what to say, but I wanted to comment so you know I visited....
nope - still don't know what to say!
Hmmm, I think I'd cover it with grass and consider it fertilizer.
Aw poor puppy tummy. G-dog has only had that happen once and luckily or unluckily it was in our yard.
I do hope there was a doggy bin nearby! x
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